Friday 27 March 2020

Three-deckers in my Library

Stimulated by my last post about Mudie's Circulating Library and the 'tyranny' of the three-decker, I thought I would tot up my own collection of three-volume novels, all in first edition, bar one set.                                            Hence the list below:

Sir Walter Scott:
1815    Guy Mannering  (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; and Archibald Constable)
1816    The Antiquary  (Archibald Constable; and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown)
1818    Rob Roy  (Archibald Constable; and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown)
1820    Ivanhoe (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1820    The Monastery (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; Archibald Constable;                       John Ballantyne)
1820    The Abbot  (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; Archibald Constable;                              John Ballantyne)
1821    Kenilworth (Archibald Constable; John Ballantyne; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1822    The Pirate (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1822    The Fortunes of Nigel (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1822    Peveril of the Peak (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1823    Quentin Durward (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1824    St. Ronan's Well (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1824    Redgauntlet (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1826    Woodstock (Archibald Constable; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green)
1828    Chronicles of the Canongate: Second Series - The Fair Maid of Perth (Cadell and Co.;
            Simpkin and Marshall)
1829    Anne of Geierstein (Cadell and Co.; Simpkin and Marshall)

4 volumes
1818    Tales of My Landlord: Second Series - The Heart of Mid-Lothian (Archibald Constable)
1819    Tales of My Landlord: Third Series -  The Bride of Lammermoor; A Legend of Montrose
            (Archibald Constable; Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; Hurst, Robinson, and Co.)
1825    Tales of the Crusaders - The Betrothed; The Talisman (Archibald Constable; Hurst, 
            Robinson, and Co.)
1832    Tales of My Landlord: Fourth and Last Series - Count Robert of Paris; Castle            
           Dangerous (Robert Cadell; Whittaker and Co.)

Susan Ferrier
1818    Marriage (William Blackwood) (2nd. ed. 1819) (2 of 3 vols of 1st ed.)
1824    The Inheritance (William Blackwood)
1831    Destiny or The Chief's Daughter (Robert Cadell)

John Galt
1822    The Entail (William Blackwood)

Anonymous (Thomas Gaspey)
1822    The Lollards (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown)

Major Michel
1841    Henry of Monmouth or the Field of Agincourt (Saunders and Otley)
1842    Trevor Hastings, or the Battle of Tewkesbury (Saunders and Otley)

Edward Bulwer-Lytton
1843    The Last of the Barons (Saunders and Otley)

G.P.R. James
1844    Agincourt (Richard Bentley)
1844    Arabella Stuart (Richard Bentley)
1849    The Woodman (T.C. Newby)

John Brent
1845    The Battle Cross (T.C. Newby)

Rev. R.W. Morgan
1853    Raymond de Monthault (Richard Bentley)

Benjamin Disraeli
1870    Lothair (Longmans, Green and Co.)

William Harrison Ainsworth
1874    Merry England or Nobles and Serfs (Tinsley Brothers)

Stanley Weyman
1893    A Gentleman of France (Longmans, Green, and Co.)

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