Saturday 2 May 2020

A Scottish Journey

I have gradually been collecting nineteenth century Scottish authors, all in first edition bar two. The two main stimuli have been building on my reading and knowledge of Sir Walter Scott's works, then branching out to encompass his contemporaries such as Susan Ferrier, John Galt and Mary Brunton; and, secondly, at the other end of the century, widening my knowledge of the so-called Kailyard School - leading from my collection of Ian McLaren's works (and taking in the 'counter-attack' of George Brown) to encompass some minor authors I have never heard of.

Over the next few months, I hope to read all the works listed below (those in red I have not got 1st ed. copies of). I have already read Scott's Guy Mannering and The Antiquary; all three Susan Ferrier novels; Ian McLaren's Beside the Bonny Brier Bush; and Brown's The House with the Green Shutters. My own ideas/comments will undoubtedly be bolstered by some very useful critics:

1951    George Blake - Barrie and the Kailyard School
1965    W. M. Parker - Susan Ferrier and John Galt
1972    Ian A. Gordon - John Galt: The Life of a Writer
1979    Ian Campbell ed. - Nineteenth Century Scottish Fiction
1981    Ian Campbell - Kailyard: A New Assessment
1984    Mary Cullinan - Susan Ferrier
1989    John MacQueen - The Rise of the Historical Novel: The Enlightenment and Scottish                                                Literature
2001    Mary McKerrow - Mary Brunton: The Forgotten Scottish Novelist
2006    Andrew Nash - Kailyard and Scottish Literature

1808 - 1831

Elizabeth Hamilton   The Cottagers of Glenburnie   (Manners & Miller, 1808)
Mary Brunton   Self-Control   (Manners & Miller 1811)
Mary Brunton   Discipline   (Manners & Miller, 1814)                                                                                                                        (Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley, 1832 ed.)
Sir Walter Scott   Guy Mannering   (3 vols.)   (Archibald Constable, 1815)
Sir Walter Scott   The Antiquary   (3 vols.)   (Archibald Constable, 1816)
Sir Walter Scott   The Heart of Mid-Lothian   (3 vols.)   (Archibald Constable, 1818)
[Susan Ferrier]   Marriage: A novel   (3 vols.)   (William Blackwood, 1818; 2nd ed. 1819)
Mary Brunton   Emmeline and some other pieces   (Archibald Constable, 1819)
John Galt   Annals of the Parish   (William Blackwood, 1821)
John Galt   The Ayrshire Legatees   (William Blackwood, 1821)
John Galt   The Provost   (William Blackwood, 1822)                     
J.G. Lockhart   Adam Blair (William Blackwood, 1822) 
John Galt    The Entail or The Lairds of Grippy   (3 vols.)   (William Blackwood, 1823)
[Susan Ferrier]   The Inheritance   (3 vols.)   (William Blackwood, 1824)
[Susan Ferrier]   Destiny: or The Chief’s Daughter   (3 vols.)   (Robert Cadell, 1831)


Sigma   Heather Belles: A Modern Highland Story   (W.P. Nimmo, Hay, & Mitchell, 1886)
Henry Johnston   Chronicles of Glenbuckie   (David Douglas, 1889)
Alexander Gordon   The Folks O’ Carglen   (T. Fisher Unwin, 1891)
Gabriel Setoun   Barncraig   (John Murray, 1893)
Alexander Gordon   Northwood Ho!   (Isbister & Co., 1894)
Ian Maclaren   Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush   (Hodder and Stoughton, 1894)
Gabriel Setoun   Sunshine and Haar’   (John Murray, 1895)   
Ian Maclaren   The Days of Auld Lang Syne   (Hodder and Stoughton, 1895)
S. Rutherford Crockett   The Grey Man   (T. Fisher Unwin, 1896)
Ian Maclaren   Kate Carnegie and those Ministers   (Hodder and Stoughton, 1896)
Henry Ochiltree   Out of her Shroud   (Adam & Charles Black, 1897)
Ian Maclaren   Afterwards and Other Stories   (Hodder and Stoughton, 1898)
Ian Maclaren   Young Barbarians   (Hodder and Stoughton, 1901)
Ian Maclaren   His Majesty’s Baby and some Common People   (H & S, 1902)
Ian Maclaren   St. Jude’s   (The Religious Tract Society, 1907)
S. Rutherford Crockett   The Black Douglas   (Smith, Elder, 1899)   
George Douglas   The House with the Green Shutters   (John MacQueen, 1901)

I will, of course, take breaks from my study of Scottish Literature. Other 'must reads' are piling up - Arnold Bennett's The Old Wives' Tale; Alain-Fournier's Le Grand Meaulnes (The Lost Domain); A. J. Cronin's Hatter's Castle (yes, I know he was a Scot); and a return to Stanley Weyman and Constance Holme. I also have a mind to purchase Sheila Kaye-Smith's The Tramping Methodist (1908) and two interesting-looking 19th century novels on the miners in the Mendips. When will it ever end?!

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