Monday 28 December 2020

Do not go gentle into that good night

   Do not go gentle into that good night,                                                                                       Old age should burn and rave at close of day;                                                                        Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

As we come to the end of one of the most unpleasant years in living memory - not just because of the vicious pandemic, but also the repercussions of extremist movements - I thought I would look at how the passing of time affected the 'beauties' of my last Blog.

                             Elizabeth Taylor                                       Ingrid Bergman

                                 Audrey Hepburn                         Greer Garson

                                 Katharine Hepburn                            Maureen O'Hara

                           Olivia de Havilland                           Imogen Stubbs

                                           Sissel                                      Empress Elisabeth

General de Gaulle was being rather mean when he is supposed to have said Old Age is a Shipwreck or, rather, La Vieillesse est un naufrage. However, on certain days, it certainly feels like it.

As Virgil once pondered, meanwhile it is flying, irretrievable time is flying or, rather, Sed fugit interea, fugit inreparabile tempus.

So, my New Year's Resolution for the sunlit uplands of 2021: MAKE THE MOST OF EVERY HOUR!

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