Sunday 14 May 2023

Anthony Trollope in the Oxford World's Classics series

Reading Graham Handley's brief biography of Anthony Trollope stimulated me to look again at my collection of the latter in the pocket Oxford World's Classics Series. As much for my benefit as anyone else's, I have scanned the covers and now reproduce them below. Those who know me will not be surprised to read that I have only collected the first published editions and with their dust wrappers. Grant Richards started the series in 1901, with a batch of ten (W.E. Gladstone would have loved them - being so perfect for his well-known habit of carrying books around in his pockets - but he departed this mortal coil three years too early.) Richards went bankrupt and handed the project over to the Oxford University Press in 1905/6, but I don't think they had dust wrappers for some while. I have two or three books in those first thick dark green covers. Few seem to have survived. Then, around the time of the Great War, came the thinner, white wrappers with blue text and illustrations on the front - the earlier Trollopes have these. They were followed, around 1930, by the charming maps of the world; then single colour, more restrained wrappers from about 1938; and, finally, more individualistic and colourful illustrations.

The volumes below are all first publication editions, although some have Lists at the back with later dates. I have placed them in The World's Classics order of printing, with the original publication date in book form in brackets.

No.251 - 1923 (1866)              No.252 - 1924 (1867)
No.268 - 1925 (1857)              No.279 - 1924 (1863)

No.298 - 1926 (1858)                 No.305 - 1926 (1860) 

No.317 - 1928 (1881)                No.341 - 1929 (1848) 

No.342 - 1929 (1881)              No.357 - 1930 (1876)

No.391 - 1931 (1877)              No.397 - 1931 (1861) 

Nos.398-399 - 1924 (1867)

Nos.423-424 - 1935 (1862)

No.444 - 1936 (1884)

Nos.447-448 - 1937 (1869)

Nos.450-451 - 1937 (1873)

Nos.454-455 - 1938 (1876)

Nos.462-463 - 1938 (1880)

Nos. 468-469 - 1938 (1864-5)

Nos.472-473 - 1939 (1864)

Nos. 475-476 - 1939 (1871)

Nos.492-493 - 1944 (1878)

No.502 - 1946 (1879)              No.503 - 1946 (1883)

No.504 - 1946 (1872)             No.505 - 1946 (1866 & 1867)

No.507 - 1948 (1869)

I therefore have 30 of the 38 published in the Oxford World's Classics series. Naturally, I would like to get the other eight (and a dust wrapper for Volume II of Ralph the Heir).
Those novels still needed are:

No.140   1907 The Three Clerks
No.217   1918 The Warden
No.272   1924 The Vicar of Bullhampton
No.278   1924 Miss Mackenzie
No.336   1928 Sir Harry Hotspur
No.343   1929 Cousin Henry
No.443   1936 Lady Anna
Nos.484-485   1941 The Way We Live Now

+ No.239  Trollope's Autobiography

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