Saturday 6 March 2021

50 Great War Films: M*A*S*H


Directed by Robert Altman - 1970 poster

Having watched a few of the spin-off T.V. series years ago, I was predisposed not to like the movie. I have never been keen on Donald Sutherland, either. Once I got over the first horrible song, however, I found some parts were genuinely funny. The whole episode over 'the Painless Pole(John Schuck) - the best equipped dentist in the Army and the dental Don Juan of Detroit - was amusing. I particularly liked the 'Last Supper', followed by the coffin and then being joined by Lt. Maria "Dish" Schneider (Jo Ann Pflug) in the bed to 're-awaken' the Pole. 

The 'Last Supper'

Jo Ann Pflug I found far more attractive than Sally Kellerman (Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan). The famous American football section deserved its praise, even though I have no idea what the rules are in the game. Just men with motor-cycle helmets and push-up shoulders running around bumping into each other.

Donald Sutherland and Robert Duvall

Robert Duvall played the part of the pompous, religious surgeon  Frank Burns very well, turning from Bible reading to ravishing "Hot Lips". Being carried away in a straight-jacket went down well the others as well as the viewer. 

Apparently, filming was not made easy due to tensions between the director and some of the cast. Sutherland and Gould allegedly tried to get Altman fired. Although Altman used Gould in later films he never worked with Sutherland again. Good for him! M*A*S*H was a Box Office hit - the third highest grossing film in 1970 (behind Love Story and Airport) and it made $81.6 million against a budget of $3.025 million. Much quoted Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun Times wrote: There is something about war that inspires practical jokes and the heroes...are inspired and utterly is the flat-out, poker-faced hatred in M*A*S*H that makes it of the reasons M*A*S*H is so funny is that it's so desperate. It is interesting that Tim Newark comments The film very much promotes the liberal values of California at the time against stern military discipline and now seems dated in its attitudes to homosexuality and women.

2003 DVD

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